LiquifyMerch.com – has the lowest prices on the net, guaranteed! If after you make a purchase at LiquifyMerch.com and find the item for a lower price on another website, we will refund you 100% of the difference between the lower price and LiquifyMerch.com price. Rules
- The item must be in stock in the same style, size and color that was purchased from the LiquifyMerch.com website.
- Special promotions, rebates, and gift certificates are not eligible.
- The website where you find the lower price cannot be an auction site.
- The final publicly advertised price that would have been paid at the other site, including shipping and tax, less any promotion, will be compared to the final price on your order with LiquifyMerch.com and will be included when calculating the difference.
- Offer is valid for 10 days after you make your purchase.
- Offer is valid on orders/items shipped to destinations within the United States.
- Offer is limited to one refund per month per customer.
To receive your refund
- Order the item that you want from LiquifyMerch.com.
- Send an email to customercare@LiquifyMerch.com with:
- Your Order Number
- The URL of the site where you found the item, and
- Instructions on how to find the item
- After receiving your email, LiquifyMerch.com will verify the website where you found the lower price, give you the discount, and send you an e-mail with your new total.